About OlmasHighly customized innovative solutions, since 1960
Since 1960, OLMAS design and manufactures customized plants to produce corrugated and flexible plastic pipes. We are a leading company in the production of Made in Italy corrugators machine.
Our founders, Mr Gianni Bianchi and Mrs Vittoria Pucci Bianchi, started a long history of success and technological innovation. To date, the management of the company is in the hands of Mr. Bianchi’s sons: Angelo, Giorgio, and Paola.
HistoryHistory of our company
How It Started
Olmas was founded by Mr. Gianni Bianchi and his wife, Mrs. Vittoria Pucci Bianchi
Air Cooled System
Olmas introduces the first corrugator with the Air cooled system
Vacuum Water Cooled
Olmas presented the first Vacuum water cooled corrugator
ISO 9001/2000
The company obtained the prestigious ISO 9001/2000 certification
The Story Continues
The management of the company is in the hands of Mr. Bianchi's sons: Angelo, Giorgio, and Paola
Global Delivery
To date, OLMAS has produced over 2500 corrugators and more than 200.000 molds, delivering equipment to 5 continents and to customers as far away as New Caledonia, Fiji Island, Australia, India, China, the United States, and Mexico.
Thanks to the competence and experience of our team, distance is not an obstacle to the delivery and quality of our machines.

InnovativeHighly Customized Solutions
Olmas is synonym with continuity, dedication, and reliability.
Our constant commitment to optimizing the forming processes allows us to create some of the most reliable and durable plants on the market, capable of producing high-quality pipes. Each project represents a challenge for us to demonstrate our professionalism and competence, as every customer’s requirement becomes our own.
We are proud to offer our customers highly personalized solutions with the most innovative technologies, thanks to the passion and expertise of our team.

ExhibitionsInternational Trade Fairs
We participate in the most important international trade fairs in the industry: Plast (Milan, Italy), Interplastica (Moscow, Russia), Plastimagen (Mexico City), NPE (Orlando, USA), Colombiaplast (Bogotà, Colombia) and we have been present at the K fair in Düsseldorf since 1979.